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Decarbonising the planet through carbon capture and clean energy 

Our proprietary technology makes Direct Air Capture (DAC) affordable and incentivise users to adopt carbon capture within their operations.



The Global Problem 

Climate change is caused by gases which allow light through but impede heating being radiated by the earth during darkness. Globally we emit 360 billion tonnes of CO annually and global temperatures are rising above the 1.5°C limit.


In order to reverse Climate Change, we need to capture legacy CO which can only be achieved via Direct Air Capture (DAC). CO remains in the atmosphere for upto 200 years – imagine how much we’ve emitted in the last decade! 

Currently we’ve captured around 1% of our annual emissions. Reaching Net-Zero by 2050 isn’t going to be possible at this rate. 

Issues with current DAC solutions 

Energy Intensive

Carbon capture systems need lots of energy to operate as they use large fans to capture the air.

High Costs

This heavy energy dependency results in high costs. The average price of capturing 1 tonne of CO₂ is around £500. 


We’re Disrupting DAC

We have developed a novel Direct Air Capture (DAC) solution to disrupt the market using liquid nitrogen to liquefy CO₂ and other gases to convert them to generate carbon-free power.  


Reverse Fractionation of Carbon Capture, is the next Unicorn of Carbon Capture in an affordable way to adopt. Here’s why:

Work With Us

We are partnering with: 

  Project Developers

✓  Engineers


✓  Researchers


If you want to be part of our mission in reversing climate change then please GET IN TOUCH 🍃

