Reversing Climate Change Is Possible!
Cost-Effective Solutions to making a Difference via Atmosfuture's Direct Air Capture Patented Technology.
The Global Problem
Climate change is caused by gases which allow light through but impede heating being radiated by the earth during darkness. This is the ‘greenhouse effect’. Carbon Dioxide (CO2), unlike Methane remains in the atmosphere and therefore its impact is long lasting. Trees, plants and the oceans remove CO2 and the former is extremely cost effective.
Economic progress has severely limited land for planting trees and plants. Moreover, there is still net deforestation in the world (source SOFO 2022).
Tackle the Issue of Carbon Capture
The government have a strategy to decarbonise all sectors in the UK a Net-Zero target by 2050. Our solution REVFRACC has the technology and ability to remove CO2 from the atmosphere including legacy emissions.
No large fan to 'suck in air' to extract CO2.
Liquified components of air are sold creating income and a true circular economy.
Condensing air causes contraction and natural 'air suction'. Small condensing towers over a large area create a large natural low pressure sink.
Thermal energy from air is converted to work via a patented low temperature turbine which reduces energy consumption.
Nitrogen is the working fluid and it re-liquified by converting heat absorbed into work and the remainder recondensing via a novel non mechanical compressor with very low parasitic losses.
85% off the shelf equipment and low Cap Ex and larger ROI. Cost per tonne of CO2 ($40)
Patented Innovative Energy Harvesting